
D365 elements search in Visual Studio

Login in to your development environment open Visual Studio Select Dynamics 365 tab and click 'MetaData Search' The syntax for searching in the  Metadata  i s: *<filter_1>:<filter_1_value> [<filter_2>:<filter_2_value>... <filter_N>:<filter_N_value>]* Or we can use the search bar under the Application explorer Keywords that you can use in the Metadata search include:   Name - Filter by element name. This is also the default filter if no keyword is specified. A comma can be used to search for multiple element names. Type - Filter by element type. A comma can be used after an element to specify sub elements. Model - Filter by model name. Each comma-separated value will look for a model in your application. Property - Filters properties on forms. Each comma-separated value should be a property on the form. Code - Filter code snippets. The code snippet should be in quotes.

Job to update sync log table

static client void updateNotSynced2(Args _args) {    SysVersionControlSynchronizeLog         syncLog;    SysVersionControlSynchronizeBatchNum    lastNum;    boolean                                 entered = false;    //find last batch num    select firstOnly BatchNum from syncLog    order by syncLog.BatchNum desc;    lastNum = syncLog.BatchNum;    setPrefix('Numbers to process:');    //classes    ttsBegin;    while select forUpdate syncLog        where syncLog.Processed == NoYes::No &&              syncLog.ItemPath  like '*Classes*'    {        syncLog.BatchNum = lastNum + 1;        syncLog.update();        entered = true;    }    ttsCommit;    if (entered)    {        lastNum++;        entered = false;        info(strFmt('Batch number for classes is: %1', lastNum));    }    //forms    ttsBegin;    while select forUpdate syncLog        where syncLog.Processed == NoYes::No &&          

D365 Environment Platform Service update from LCS

To apply latest platform update to a D365 VM, firstly, the deployable package must be imported to asset library in LCS and then it can be applied to selected cloud hosted environment as below. Login to LCS Goto your project and click the burger icon Select Cloud-hosted environments Select a Environment and click 'Full details'. Under Environment Version Infomation, you can see the current application release version and the platform release version. click the burger icon and select asset library Select software deployable package from left pane Click import Select the service update to be applied to the VM from the Shared asset library and click pick It will be loaded to the Software deployable package files in LCS Now go back to cloud hosted environments, click full details and click Maintain and select Apply updates. Select the loaded deployable package from asset library and click apply In the confimation

Assign Dynamics 365 licenses to users

See below link

SQL script to check special characters in Index Name

select i . [name] as index_name ,     substring ( column_names , 1 , len ( column_names )- 1 ) as [columns] ,     case when i . [type] = 1 then 'Clustered index'         when i . [type] = 2 then 'Nonclustered unique index'         when i . [type] = 3 then 'XML index'         when i . [type] = 4 then 'Spatial index'         when i . [type] = 5 then 'Clustered columnstore index'         when i . [type] = 6 then 'Nonclustered columnstore index'         when i . [type] = 7 then 'Nonclustered hash index'         end as index_type ,     case when i . is_unique = 1 then 'Unique'         else 'Not unique' end as [unique] ,     schema_name ( t . schema_id ) + '.' + t . [name] as table_view ,      case when t . [type] = 'U' then 'Table'         when t . [type] = 'V' then 'View'         end as [obj

AX Database synchronisation error when EDT property changed

DB sync errors when change tracking is enabled for a table on sql server and you changed the field size. Example: In below, I changed the Num EDT size from 20 to 30, this EDT is used in InventDIM table which has change tracking enabled in SQL database. DB sync errored when doing a full data dictionary Synchronisation. Num EDT size changed from 30 to 20 Change tracking enabled on custtable and inventdim tables in SQL database DB sync error Fix:  Go to SSMS and find the table "InventDIM" in AX database Right click and select properties Select Change Tracking Change to False for both option "change tracking and Track columns updated" Click Okay Start DB sync and it should finish with out error Revert the change tracking property back to "True".

AX 2012 DEVOPS Build, Release setup and configuration

After the initial setup in  AX 2012 Build process using AZURE DEVOPS Next step is to setup the build template and run the build process to get model and modelstore file which can be deployed to any environments. Goto your AZURE - DEVOPS dashboard by login to If you dont have a account, you can register for one free. Azure DEVOPS dashboard Select project for build process setup Select builds Click new pipeline Select Team foundation version control or the one you setup in intial step to move code to azure repo Select build reporsitory It should be the one you selected in initial setup steps Here select TFVC reporsitory Server path is the branch for which you want the build run Local path under - sourcesdirectory click continue for next step Select a build template - empty pipeline and add the build steps as per the AX build process order Now at the final step of build pipeline creation If you haven&