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D365 elements search in Visual Studio

Login in to your development environment open Visual Studio Select Dynamics 365 tab and click 'MetaData Search' The syntax for searching in the  Metadata  i s: *<filter_1>:<filter_1_value> [<filter_2>:<filter_2_value>... <filter_N>:<filter_N_value>]* Or we can use the search bar under the Application explorer Keywords that you can use in the Metadata search include:   Name - Filter by element name. This is also the default filter if no keyword is specified. A comma can be used to search for multiple element names. Type - Filter by element type. A comma can be used after an element to specify sub elements. Model - Filter by model name. Each comma-separated value will look for a model in your application. Property - Filters properties on forms. Each comma-separated value should be a property on the form. Code - Filter code snippets. The code snippet should be in quotes.