
Assign Dynamics 365 licenses to users

See below link

SQL script to check special characters in Index Name

select i . [name] as index_name ,     substring ( column_names , 1 , len ( column_names )- 1 ) as [columns] ,     case when i . [type] = 1 then 'Clustered index'         when i . [type] = 2 then 'Nonclustered unique index'         when i . [type] = 3 then 'XML index'         when i . [type] = 4 then 'Spatial index'         when i . [type] = 5 then 'Clustered columnstore index'         when i . [type] = 6 then 'Nonclustered columnstore index'         when i . [type] = 7 then 'Nonclustered hash index'         end as index_type ,     case when i . is_unique = 1 then 'Unique'         else 'Not unique' end as ...

AX Database synchronisation error when EDT property changed

DB sync errors when change tracking is enabled for a table on sql server and you changed the field size. Example: In below, I changed the Num EDT size from 20 to 30, this EDT is used in InventDIM table which has change tracking enabled in SQL database. DB sync errored when doing a full data dictionary Synchronisation. Num EDT size changed from 30 to 20 Change tracking enabled on custtable and inventdim tables in SQL database DB sync error Fix:  Go to SSMS and find the table "InventDIM" in AX database Right click and select properties Select Change Tracking Change to False for both option "change tracking and Track columns updated" Click Okay Start DB sync and it should finish with out error Revert the change tracking property back to "True".

AX 2012 DEVOPS Build, Release setup and configuration

After the initial setup in  AX 2012 Build process using AZURE DEVOPS Next step is to setup the build template and run the build process to get model and modelstore file which can be deployed to any environments. Goto your AZURE - DEVOPS dashboard by login to If you dont have a account, you can register for one free. Azure DEVOPS dashboard Select project for build process setup Select builds Click new pipeline Select Team foundation version control or the one you setup in intial step to move code to azure repo Select build reporsitory It should be the one you selected in initial setup steps Here select TFVC reporsitory Server path is the branch for which you want the build run Local path under - sourcesdirectory click continue for next step Select a build template - empty pipeline and add the build steps as per the AX build process order Now at the final step of build pipeline creation If y...

X++ Find SSRS print management setting for selected customer and report

static void VNPrintMgmtDoc(Args _args) {     PrintMgmtDocInstance    printMgmtDocInstance;     CustTable                         custTable;     PrintJobSettings               printJobSettings;     PrintMgmtSettings           printMgmtSettings;     SRSPrintDestinationSettings srsPrintDestinationSettings;     custTable = CustTable::find("ABC");     printMgmtDocInstance = PrintMgmtDocInstance::findByPrintType(custTable.RecId,custTable.TableId,PrintMgmtNodeType::CustTable,PrintMgmtDocumentType::SalesOrderInvoice,PrintMgmtDocInstanceType::Original,false);     select printMgmtSettings where printMgmtSettings.ParentId == printMgmtDocInstance.RecId;     srsPrintDestinationSettings = new SRSPrintDestinationSettings(printMgmtSettings.PrintJobSettings);...

AX 2012 Export user security role information to CSV file

static void VN_GetUserSecurityinfo(Args _args) { str                         fileName; boolean                     HasRecord; SecurityUserRole            securityUserRole; SecurityRole                securityRole; SecurityTask                securityTask; UserInfo                    userInfo; SecurityRoleAllTasksView    securityRoleAllTasksView; OMUserRoleOrganization      roleOrganization; OMInternalOrganization      internalOrganization; TextIO                          io; Str                             text; FilePath...

DEVOPS - AX 2012 DB sync error during VSTS build run

When running database synchronisation as part of the build process in DEVOPS or through AX directly. If you have any indexes created directly in AX SQL database for performance purposes or other reason, DB sync drops them without issue. In some cases, DB sync fails to drop these indexes with below error. Rename the indexes with out any special characters in the first and last character of the name Re run the db sync Sync finishes and drops indexes. Finding the failed sql statement: On the log of the build step, if you scroll down, you can find the sql statement.  Copy the statement to SSMS and execute to find the error.