
When unable to open the settlement screen in AX 2012 or clicking the settlement button AX just hangs

Login to the Database and execute below query to Flush the procedure cache DECLARE @DBID INT = DB_ID('AX database name') DBCC flushprocindb(@DBID) Login to AX and the settlement screen will open now.

Unable to login to AX after DB sync

update the partition for admin user to be run when you get the below error after db sync Failed to create a session, confirm that the user has proper privileges to log on to Microsoft Dynamics DECLARE @NetworkDomain nvarchar(255); DECLARE @NetworkAlias nvarchar(80); DECLARE @SID nvarchar(124); DECLARE @InitialPartition BIGINT; SELECT @InitialPartition=Recid FROM PARTITIONS WHERE PARTITIONKEY=N'Initial' SELECT @NetworkAlias=NETWORKALIAS,@NetworkDomain=NETWORKDOMAIN,@SID=SID FROM USERINFO WHERE PARTITION=@InitialPartition AND ID = N'Admin' UPDATE USERINFO SET NETWORKDOMAIN=@NetworkDomain,NETWORKALIAS=@NetworkAlias,SID=@SID WHERE PARTITION != @InitialPartition AND ID = N'Admin' --check number of partitions SELECT * FROM dbo.PARTITIONS

SQL query for AX 2012 to find number sequence Id's which are near to run out

select top 10 (1.00 * HIGHEST - 1.00 * NEXTREC) / (1.00 * HIGHEST - 1.00 * LOWEST), * from numbersequencetable with (nolock) where (1.00 * HIGHEST - 1.00 * NEXTREC) / (1.00 * HIGHEST - 1.00 * LOWEST) < 0.2 SELECT TOP 10 * FROM dbo.LEDGERJOURNALTABLE WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE JOURNALNUM LIKE 'num seq' ORDER BY RECID DESC

X++ load operating units for financial dimensions CSV import

static void LoadDepartmentCost(Args _args) {     #File     OMOperatingUnit ou,ou2;     OMOperatingUnitType t;     RecId omOpRecId;     NumberSeq num;     IO  iO;     FilenameOpen        filename;// = "c:\\share\\test.csv";//To assign file name     Container           record;     str type;     int counter = 5, alreadyExists = 0;     Dialog          dialog;     DialogField     dialogfileName;     //dialog to load the excel file of contact information         dialog = new Dialog("Upload File");         dialogFilename = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(FilenameOpen));         dialog.filenameLookupFilter(["All files",#AllFiles]);         //dialog.filenameLookupTitle("Employee Data");         dialog.caption("Upload");     if(     {        filename = dialogFilename.value();     }     iO = new CommaTextIo(filename, #IO_Read);     if (! iO || iO.status() != IO_Status::Ok)     {         throw error(

Run AX client with out load balance AOS

Open command promt as admin Navigate to client bin folder cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\bin AX32.exe -loadbalance=0 -aos2=servername:2712 to login to the intended AOS add loadbalance, value, 0 parameter to .axc client configuration

X++ job to get user assigned security roles

static void Job6(Args _args) {     SecurityInfoTable axpUserSecurityTmp;     SecurityUserRole securityUserRole;     SecurityRole securityRole;     SecurityTask securityTask;     UserInfo     userInfo;     SecurityRoleAllTasksView securityRoleAllTasksView;     OMUserRoleOrganization roleOrganization;     OMInternalOrganization internalOrganization;     while select securityUserRole        outer join securityRole                 where securityRole.RecId == securityUserRole.SecurityRole        join userInfo             where == securityUserRole.User             && userInfo.enable == NoYes::Yes        outer join securityRoleAllTasksView                 where securityRoleAllTasksView.SecurityRole == securityUserRole.SecurityRole                     outer join securityTask                     where securityTask.RecId == securityRoleAllTasksView.SecurityTask                         outer join roleOrganization              

X++ Send Email

SysEmailTable::sendMail(sysEmailId,SysEmailTable::find(sysEmailId).DefaultLanguage , outEMailAddr,     null,     filename,     '',     true,     curuserid(),     true);