X++ Job to update worker contact information by excel upload
Upload a excel file to update the already existing Worker contact information HR/Common/Workers/List Edit/Profile->Contact Information. Note: In the Excel file all the columns should be formatted as Text and the fields should be given according to below header format. PersonnelNumber, contactdescription, contacttype,contact,contactext,primarycontact,privatecontact 123,abc, email address, abcxyz@blogger.com, ,yes,no static void EmployeeContactInfo(Args _args) { SysExcelApplication application; SysExcelWorkbooks workbooks; SysExcelWorkbook workbook; SysExcelWorksheets worksheets; SysExcelWorksheet worksheet; SysExcelCells cells; COMVariantType type; System.DateTime ShlefDate; FilenameOpen filename,filenameopen; dialogField dialogFilename; Dialog dialog; LogisticsLocation logisticsLocation ...